Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How To Prevent Virus Copy of Shortcut to (1).lnk , (2).lnk,(3).lnk, (4).lnk infecting

recently some of my friends computer OS has infected by the Trojan Family , its ussually make file name Copy of Shortcut (1).lnk , Copy of Shortcut (2).lnk Copy of Shortcut (3).lnk Copy of Shortcut (4).lnk, they donn't know how to prevent its happen so its always infected many times destroying the Operating System, the use of Flash Disk is the largest cause of its happen so may be you can try my tips here
- always check the Flash Disk when its put onn the Computers, are they contains the virus or not usually straight shown  , if does , fastly delete the "link" file.
- check the Flash disk wheter its has folder named RECYCLER , you must delete the folder all of its content, that is the source of virus ,
keep aware of another virus , this step may be can you try to prevent that infecting

Friday, March 2, 2012

the do .....while loop task on java script chapter 8

this is the one of the variant of while loop , the principal of the loop is by do the command first and then lookfor the conditional onthe bottom of its inside of (.....) sign after "while"
or let me show you the example :
as simple the composition is like this

code tobe executed
while(var<=endvalue ) ''the conditional statement you decide as the parameter

if you stiil confuse lets see the real example

document.write( "the value are increasing from " + i);

can you tell me the result?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Looping Control on java script chapter 7

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("the number is "  + i)



the result shown

the number is 0
the number is 1
the number is 2
the number is 3
the number is 4
the number is 5
the number is 6

as you see above there is a looping to call the variable "i"
it has increasing value that generate by condition "for"
you can try that.................
javascript easy right?......

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